Saturday, February 15, 2014

Take Heart

When you make a decision to step out in faith and follow where the Lord leads you, the attacks will come. Although, I'm sure this won't be the last attack, the first attack has left us standing and laughing at the weakness of the enemy. 

Attacks: 1) Virgil's car needs repair $$, 2) Unexpected trip back east to visit my grandmother who was sick $$, 3) Virgil hurt his ankle - many tests and possible surgery $$, 4) Flex spending medical account was not funded $$, 5) need to replace my car $$, 6) expenses of moving to Mexico $$. 

Financial attacks, one after another. And what is my response? A little giggle and I shake my head. Of course the enemy will attack our finances. But we serve a great God who was already working on the solution. 

Praises: 1) No surgery needed, 2) funding for the trip, 3) several people offering their support for our move to Mexico, 4) amazing deal on a new van that costs so much less than we anticipated. 

Do not forget when your attack comes, that we serve a might God! 

"Do not be afraid..."  
"Be strong and courageous..."
"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world!"