And then we started. And I realized as most teenagers who grow and move out of their parents home realize, I didn't know anything.
There's that moment when you begin taking in children who only speak spanish and you realize it's time to sink or swim. Pray daily and constantly for an understanding of the language so you can communicate with the kids and keep your eyes on Jesus. And sink or swim.
Another moment of stark realization is finding that although you have raised kids and they turned out ok, you've raised American kids who didn't really encounter the troubles that these kids have encountered or live in the culture these kids have lived in. That moment where you realize you can love these kids and that's the most important thing but you're on a bit of a learning curve.
And yet at the same time, I know this is a difficult road The Lord has asked us to walk, I also know that He has walked it ahead of us. I feel His presence around me constantly. I feel His strength and His peace that passes all understanding. I know His strong hands guide us. And I see His fruit.
The kids who have decided they want to stay because they want a better life. The kids who want to be here to experience the life change. The times of devotion when they soak in God's Word and ask questions, and hide His word in their hearts.
We are all asked to travel down our own road and in our own lives this road has its difficulties. But always remember, He has walked it first and He never fails.
What a blessing to be able to live a life on a mission.