Friday, December 2, 2016


Two and a half years ago, the Lord sent our family to Mexico to start a home for children. Little did I know the amazing journey we would be on.  We now have 20 children and are increasing every day.  In addition to this home of amazing and wonderful children, the Lord has tasked us with building 20 homes all across Mexico.

I can imagine the children that will fill these homes. Children that have lived in extreme poverty their entire lives without a hope of ever going to school. Children that have been abused and come from generations of addiction. Children that have been living on the streets and exploited. Children that just want a warm and loving home. Children that want a better life.

Now that have made Danya and all my English majors crazy with fragmented savings, I believe you have the idea of the children that I love so dearly and pray for daily...even though I have yet to meet them all.

And you may ask the question, why do we sacrifice so much of our finances, time, and so much of ourselves for this mission.  Well I'm glad you asked. The answer is simple. Because someone has to - and I'm so glad it's us!

Ephesians 1 says that God chose us in advance and that he makes everything work out according to His plan. He chose me. He chose Danya and Ricardo. And He has chosen 20 more people that will one day open a home just like this one.  He will make everything work out according to his plan. If I don't have the house someone else will. But whoa to me if I say no! What a tragedy that would be. Think of all the joy and blessing I would miss. Ok, I would also miss sadness and struggle. But the benefits far outweigh the struggle.

As I live out this mission, I learn I am living out Paul's prayer at the end of Ephesians 1. He prayed for us to grow in spiritual wisdom and insight so that we might grow in our knowledge of God. That our hearts would be flooded with light, that we would understand the incredible greatness of God's power for us who believe.  That power that lives inside of me raised Christ from the dead and it will build 20 houses throughout Mexico. As a matter of fact, it's already done. We just need to see it.

Come along with me as we watch the glory of God unfold and build His homes for children who need a family and who need him so desperately. Come along with me as we watch cycles broken, and lives devoted to the Lord.

Come along.