Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Our New Home

Our Front Yard

Our New Home

 Our Back Yard

It's official! We have a home! There are many things that are different than our home in the states but that's ok. We're in Mexico and we're doing what God wants us to do. Not only that but He has provided a great home with a lot of land. 

One thing I've noticed as we've begun the transition of moving to Mexico is that my entire mindset needs to change. The culture is completely different, their way of doing things is different, so many things are different. Not necessarily bad but very different. I have to stop thinking like an American. Gone is my walk in closet and you know what, I'm going to have get rid of some of our clothes...and shoes! Apparently I have some excess :). But among some of the things I've realized is that there's no constitution and bill of rights in Mexico. 

And with that I've realized, that we come to expect so many rights. I have a right to this and that and the other and many have grown up entitled. No more bill of rights. And I'll be working with people who have never had a bill of rights and have lived most of their lives in an orphanage. Talk about rights, they've not had their own room. 

I'm not there to bring America to Mexico. I'm there to love these kids and help give them a shot at life. So I'll pair down my wardrobe, I'll give up my wonderful new dishwasher I love, I'll live without a clothes dryer and a closet. I'll ask permission to bring my guns and I'll leave them if I don't receive permission. I'll give up a thousand little ideas of how life is and I will embrace Mexico. Because when it's all said and done, I love the city, I love these kids, and I love my God. 

"Where you go I'll go. Where you stay I'll stay" Send me Lord! Send me!