Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Top Reasons Why You Won't Go On A Mission Trip

7.) “I already have plans for Spring Break/Summer”
Ok.  Sure that’s legitimate.  But… are they real plans? Do they include watching Netflix? Could you do them at another point in your life? Maybe you think that you can’t commit to a trip because you aren’t sure what are you doing during Spring Break or over the summer. But think about this- anytime we offer up our time to God for the sake of another (the homeless, forgotten & poor, for example), we are rewarded. By taking this step out in faith to say “yes” despite ourselves and the idealized alternative plan that may come along, we say “yes” to a plan that is much greater than anything we can imagine. Take the leap!
6.) “I love my bed….I don’t want to get dirty.” 
Yes, yes so this reason maybe isn’t as serious as the others, but nonetheless is still a concern for some. But alas, even though your comfy bed complete with down comforter is probably super relaxing, I have full confidence you can part from it for one week.That’s not so bad! Plus, getting dirty once in a while is good for you! Really, think of how many people in foreign countries don’t have running water and live in filth on a daily basis. Hello, reality check.

5.) “I won’t know anyone!”
You might be thinking, “this trip sounds awesome, but I don’t know a soul going! Oh, except that one missionary who invited me, but they know everyone.” A) missionaries don’t know everyone; B) What better way to bond with other people than by spending a week  with them, sharing intense experiences, bonding over using Eastern toilets, and trying new weird foods together? I can totally relate to this fear. I was there once too!
4.) “I’m just straight up afraid!” 
“The only thing to fear is fear itself!” I know, Franklin Roosevelt said that not me, but hey it’s true. I think this fear is pretty much unanimous before going on mission. I know when I went on my first mission trip I was afraid. I didn't know the language, i was way out of my comfort zone and I would miss work and have so much to catch up on.  But, thankfully! These things may have appeared scary at first, but facing them and realizing I can be uncomfortable, hot and dirty in a foreign country while also experiencing a profound peace & joy like no other, now that is life-changing. 

3.) “I need to work over Spring Break! I have an internship this summer!”
Yes, work is important! But, you have your whole life to work! Plus, mission trips look excellent on any job resume and could be the difference between you and a fellow applicant applying for a future job after college. Expanding your horizons and immersing yourself into another culture through service and faith is a highly marketable experience for many job fields!  
2.) “I’m not that religious!” 
Sure, the idea of a mission trip might freak you out a bit (it did for me!). You may be thinking, “I’m kind of into my faith, but this may be too much.” Yet, wherever you are in your faith journey right now, God’s greatest desire is for you to know Him more. If you just attend church on Sundays or don’t go at all, that’s okay; this is an opportunity for you to explore your faith in a totally different environment.  By saying “Yes” to the trip, He will bless your time and you will be amazed. It may be scary, but totally worth it! 
1.) “I don’t have the money!”
This may be the most popular excuse, and I get it, I really do.  You are “poor” (or so you think; 5 minutes in a third world country will change your mind).  But no need to worry, we can help you be prepared and  equipped to fundraise your trip.  Family & friends (especially Grandmas!) love giving money towards non-profits & mission trips.  Ask them- you will be surprised! Plus, if God wants you on this trip, He will provide for you.  Guaranteed.

So what are you waiting for? Come join us at The Refuge for a weekend or week. It will be a life changing experience you won't regret.
For more information about our trips, please  Click here to email Gayla Hardin our US Groups Coordinator. 

It's Been A While

The Adventure of All In....there's a lot packaged in there. And it's been a while since I've posted simply because when you're all in it takes up a lot of time. But here I am at the keyboard again sitting down to write. Why? Because someone else out there may be All In. Someone else out there may be taken big risks and be in the middle of the process and not know what tomorrow holds. This is why I write. I write to inspire. I write to inspire you and to inspire myself to keep going.

If you've been all in and you've risked big, you've taken the step off the ledge and you're waiting for the next step to appear you know it's hard. It's scary. It's lonely. It can paralyze you if you let it. 

You've gone all in and things are going great - you're full of passion and drive and motivation. And then 1 month becomes one year. One year becomes 2. 2 years increasing the vision and causes you to go further in, now you're at 3 or more and things happen. The enemy comes against you or problems arise. There have been people all along who never thought you could, would, or should and the problems keep coming or the people keep leaving and you stop and think...this is hard.

I'm here to tell you one thing....you're absolutely right it's hard. And it's going to get harder. Nothing great every came easy. You don't become a millionaire overnight. You don't finish a big dream in a year. Everything is  a process and it's a hard process. But it's so worth it. 1 Samuel 30:6 says that David was greatly distressed but he encouraged himself in the Lord. And when things get hard and you think you can't go on that's what you need to do....encourage yourself in the Lord. Find strength in Him.

He has called you to great and mighty things. Not because you are the best this or the most talented that but because you are willing. And because you are willing - you great and might warrior full of faith - He will use you, He will strengthen you.  It's not to say that He is going to make it easy, but He will make it possible. 

We have been building The Refuge for 3 years. I never thought it would be easy but I also didn't think that sometimes it would be THIS hard. I always knew it would be worth it. When I look at the faces of those kids I'm fighting for, it's worth it. When someone says yes, I would love to sponsor a child - it's worth it. When people tell me they want to go on mission, it's worth it.  It's also worth it when people tell me they don't want to give, they don't want to go, and they don't care about those kids in mexico. That's ok - because I was called to Mexico - obviously they weren't. It's still worth it.

Whatever your All In looks like today - I promise you - it's worth it. Don't let fear paralyze you. Don't let discouragement bring you down. Don't let problems stop you. Call out to Him, your rock, your redeemer, your banner, your provider, your encourager.

Friday, December 2, 2016


Two and a half years ago, the Lord sent our family to Mexico to start a home for children. Little did I know the amazing journey we would be on.  We now have 20 children and are increasing every day.  In addition to this home of amazing and wonderful children, the Lord has tasked us with building 20 homes all across Mexico.

I can imagine the children that will fill these homes. Children that have lived in extreme poverty their entire lives without a hope of ever going to school. Children that have been abused and come from generations of addiction. Children that have been living on the streets and exploited. Children that just want a warm and loving home. Children that want a better life.

Now that have made Danya and all my English majors crazy with fragmented savings, I believe you have the idea of the children that I love so dearly and pray for daily...even though I have yet to meet them all.

And you may ask the question, why do we sacrifice so much of our finances, time, and so much of ourselves for this mission.  Well I'm glad you asked. The answer is simple. Because someone has to - and I'm so glad it's us!

Ephesians 1 says that God chose us in advance and that he makes everything work out according to His plan. He chose me. He chose Danya and Ricardo. And He has chosen 20 more people that will one day open a home just like this one.  He will make everything work out according to his plan. If I don't have the house someone else will. But whoa to me if I say no! What a tragedy that would be. Think of all the joy and blessing I would miss. Ok, I would also miss sadness and struggle. But the benefits far outweigh the struggle.

As I live out this mission, I learn I am living out Paul's prayer at the end of Ephesians 1. He prayed for us to grow in spiritual wisdom and insight so that we might grow in our knowledge of God. That our hearts would be flooded with light, that we would understand the incredible greatness of God's power for us who believe.  That power that lives inside of me raised Christ from the dead and it will build 20 houses throughout Mexico. As a matter of fact, it's already done. We just need to see it.

Come along with me as we watch the glory of God unfold and build His homes for children who need a family and who need him so desperately. Come along with me as we watch cycles broken, and lives devoted to the Lord.

Come along.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I Just Can't Believe It!

Ok - so it's been a while since I've posted. I know. It's been really busy - starting an orphanage takes a lot of time and effort and through the process there's still even more growth that happens on my part. So it's been a while but I'll do better about posting - I promise :)

So first let's play a little catch up and then I'll fill you in on what I just an't believe! First, we opened our girls dormitory and my good friend Danya moved to Mexico to be our dorm mom. It was a really difficult decision for her but in the end it really came down to whether or not to obey God and really that's not too difficult of a decision. So here she is! She settled right in and life is good. 

Then the attacks came. You know when you start something that God has asked you to do the attacks will come. And you think you are prepared because you know they're coming and yet when they come - you realize you weren't as prepared as you thought. It came in a different form that you weren't expecting. Yep - that happened to me. You would think I've walked with the Lord long enough I would know this but still - somehow it came as a surprise. So we fasted and prayed and battled. But you see the Lord is good and He is the one who has started this ministry. And what the Lord starts - no one will be able to tear down and no attack of the enemy will succeed. So we fasted and prayed and here we are - I think stronger as a team and I know personally, stronger as an individual. 

I have taken on even more of a director's role. Where before we had someone who would go out and find the kids and work with the families and schools, I have now taken on those tasks. The enormity of it all can be daunting but I know God has called me to it and I will not shrink back from it. The joy of the Lord is my strength. 

So I worked with my first kid and my first family. We had a girl come to us - who has a mom but she can't care for her child. I asked to talk to the girl and as she poured out her heartbreak to me my heart broke with hers. As she shared her story of abuse and neglect I just wanted to take her in my arms. So we told her she is loved, she is beautiful, she is valuable. And we will continue to tell her that every day. We will continue to tell her that not only is she loved by us but by a God who died for her because He loves her that much. And we will watch as the Lord repairs what has been broken and we will glorify him in that. 

Here's what I can't believe. That there are kids that feel so unloved and unwanted. I know - I've been seeing this for five years and living in it for almost a year but I still can't believe it. And you know - I've come to an even deeper understanding of it as I talked with her and she told me her story. Here was this broken little girl who wants nothing more than to be accepted. And that truth - that kids are hurt and abused and rejected every day sunk in deeper into my soul. And you know what? God picked me! He picked me to be here to be used as His instrument for change! I can't believe it! I'm not sure why - most of the time I feel inadequate but then that happens - and I'm able to talk to her in Spanish and understand her story, I'm able to reach her heart, I'm able to stretch out my hand and offer her hope. He picked me! And it's such a privilege. 

When you see those homes that are really no more than plywood tacked together and missing part of the roof and you realize a family lives there, it's hard to believe that I am here to be part of the help. It's hard to believe a family COULD live there. And it's hard to believe that those living inside would be able to feel hope again. 

But we try - because that's why we're here. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Eph 3:20 - Of course I can't believe it. He told us we wouldn't be able to believe it. He can do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine. 

Wow how your life can change when you see the conditions in which someone lives and then you hear the heartbreak of one little girl. I still don't know if I'm qualified. But I know that He is. And THAT is what I do believe. He sent us here to offer hope and future for children in Tijuana. THAT is what I believe He will do. 

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4 

Let the children come - come all who are weary and heavily burdened. You will find refuge under his wings. You will find rest. You will find hope. 

THAT you can believe.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Living with a Mission

I always knew the call to go to Mexico and start and orphanage would be a difficult task. I always knew I would need to rely on God in ways I never have before. I knew there would be challenges learning the language, living in a different culture, and living a completely different life. 

And then we started. And I realized as most teenagers who grow and move out of their parents home realize, I didn't know anything. 

There's that moment when you begin taking in children who only speak spanish and you realize it's time to sink or swim. Pray daily and constantly for an understanding of the language so you can communicate with the kids and keep your eyes on Jesus. And sink or swim. 

Another moment of stark realization is finding that although you have raised kids and they turned out ok, you've raised American kids who didn't really encounter the troubles that these kids have encountered or live in the culture these kids have lived in. That moment where you realize you can love these kids and that's the most important thing but you're on a bit of a learning curve. 

And yet at the same time, I know this is a difficult road The Lord has asked us to walk, I also know that He has walked it ahead of us. I feel His presence around me constantly. I feel His strength and His peace that passes all understanding. I know His strong hands guide us. And I see His fruit. 

The kids who have decided they want to stay because they want a better life. The kids who want to be here to experience the life change. The times of devotion when they soak in God's Word and ask questions, and hide His word in their hearts. 

We are all asked to travel down our own road and in our own lives this road has its difficulties. But always remember, He has walked it first and He never fails. 

What a blessing to be able to live a life on a mission. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

That One Moment...

There's that one moment when you stop and realize, you're really happy. That moment when you have so much joy in your heart that you want to shout to the world about it. That moment when you realize The Lord has just given you the desires of your heart. That moment when you hear the laughter of teenage girls, and the giggles of boys, and their voices rise as they practice memory verses and realize, you're the happiest you've ever been. 

That moment isn't without troubles of it's own. Money is needed. A new roof is essential with all the rain that is falling. It would be nice to have a dryer so we can wash AND dry the clothes since it's raining. There is a river where there once was a road in front of our house. Food needs to be purchased. Kids need clothes. More kids need saved. And yet in that moment, everything is right with the world. 


Because for all of my life I have felt as if I was always working toward something. There was always something building. It was all just part of the journey. A journey to where? I didn't know. I just knew that I was working toward something. My calling. Wherever that may be. I completely loved each season. I loved each place. I loved the people. It was all so good I never wanted to leave. And yet...I knew I was still working toward something. 

Now here I am, standing in my kitchen making tuna salad for lunch. Listening to the laughter as the kids practice their memory verses. Enjoying the moments of Bible study together. And I know. I'm the happiest I've ever been. Not because everything is perfect. But because He is perfect. His will is perfect. His timing is perfect. And He has brought me here. 

I never knew my desire would be to move to Mexico. I never knew my desire would be to start an orphanage and fill my house with kids. I never knew my heart's desire would be here, this moment. 

He has given me the desires of my heart. Thank you Lord that your ways are higher than mine. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Adventure Continues

It's amazing to me how much joy fills your spirit when you are walking in the center of the will of God. 

I have been so very happy in many stages of my life and I know God had me in those place for a reason and for a season. But that moment when you finally walk into the promised land and into his will is just amazing. 

Here I am in Tijuana, Mexico. Materially - I have less than I ever have. Spiritually - I have so much more than I ever dreamed. 

Who would have thought that when God said - "hey move to Mexico and start an orphanage" that it would bring me more joy than I've ever experienced. Now I have these kids around me, my house is full, and my spirit is overflowing with His living water. 

Even as my heart aches at not having all of my children around me and not seeing my oldest son much, my heart is still full of so much joy. 

I realize that this adventure will be difficult. I realize there will be times when I'm not sure where the milk will come from or maybe it's just beans for lunch. I realize the first time a child leaves will break my heart. But I also realize that just as Peter stepped out onto the water believing in his whole heart that Jesus would provide a way for him to be able to walk on it - God will make a way where there seems to be no way. 

He called us here and on His path - we simply CANNOT fail. 

My God is faithful. 
My God is powerful. 
My God is victorious. 
My God is bigger than anything I will face. 
My God is love...

...and that love is what we will share with everyone we meet in Tijuana. 

The Adventure of being All In with God continues and no matter what we face, I wouldn't have it any other way.