Tuesday, November 7, 2017

It's Been A While

The Adventure of All In....there's a lot packaged in there. And it's been a while since I've posted simply because when you're all in it takes up a lot of time. But here I am at the keyboard again sitting down to write. Why? Because someone else out there may be All In. Someone else out there may be taken big risks and be in the middle of the process and not know what tomorrow holds. This is why I write. I write to inspire. I write to inspire you and to inspire myself to keep going.

If you've been all in and you've risked big, you've taken the step off the ledge and you're waiting for the next step to appear you know it's hard. It's scary. It's lonely. It can paralyze you if you let it. 

You've gone all in and things are going great - you're full of passion and drive and motivation. And then 1 month becomes one year. One year becomes 2. 2 years increasing the vision and causes you to go further in, now you're at 3 or more and things happen. The enemy comes against you or problems arise. There have been people all along who never thought you could, would, or should and the problems keep coming or the people keep leaving and you stop and think...this is hard.

I'm here to tell you one thing....you're absolutely right it's hard. And it's going to get harder. Nothing great every came easy. You don't become a millionaire overnight. You don't finish a big dream in a year. Everything is  a process and it's a hard process. But it's so worth it. 1 Samuel 30:6 says that David was greatly distressed but he encouraged himself in the Lord. And when things get hard and you think you can't go on that's what you need to do....encourage yourself in the Lord. Find strength in Him.

He has called you to great and mighty things. Not because you are the best this or the most talented that but because you are willing. And because you are willing - you great and might warrior full of faith - He will use you, He will strengthen you.  It's not to say that He is going to make it easy, but He will make it possible. 

We have been building The Refuge for 3 years. I never thought it would be easy but I also didn't think that sometimes it would be THIS hard. I always knew it would be worth it. When I look at the faces of those kids I'm fighting for, it's worth it. When someone says yes, I would love to sponsor a child - it's worth it. When people tell me they want to go on mission, it's worth it.  It's also worth it when people tell me they don't want to give, they don't want to go, and they don't care about those kids in mexico. That's ok - because I was called to Mexico - obviously they weren't. It's still worth it.

Whatever your All In looks like today - I promise you - it's worth it. Don't let fear paralyze you. Don't let discouragement bring you down. Don't let problems stop you. Call out to Him, your rock, your redeemer, your banner, your provider, your encourager.

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