Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Just Amazing

I’ve always known my son was different…special.  When the diagnosis of Autism/Asperger’s came to us it wasn’t really a surprise.  It was difficult at first as I think about all the things my son might never do, but I also began to see the beauty of it.  I was told to pray for a miracle. I believed the miracle had already come in our son.

You see, my son can be very childlike and the beauty of that is that he isn’t jaded and the Lord tells us we should have childlike faith. My son has great childlike faith. If the Bible says it, it’s true – period – end of discussion.  God says He will provide so of course He will. Why are you worrying? God says He works all things for good so what are you stressing out about?

The other miracle that has occurred in my son is that he has great understanding of spiritual things. He will listen to a message in church and instantly understand what it means and how it applies to his life. And sometimes these are concepts that adults have a difficult time grasping.

There are so many other little miracles have exist in my son and I marvel at them every day. Today was no exception.

As you know we are in Mexico to start an orphanage. God called us here and Christopher has been with us from the very beginning of this call. As a matter of fact I believe He heard the call first. Today, we learned that it is a possibility the regulatory agencies may not let us keep our pets. Now if you know Christopher, his pets are his world. These pets are how he connects to the world, they give him joy when he is sad, they help him cope when he is overwhelmed.  So to hear this news would be devastating to him.

He cried, of course he cried. I reminded him of some scripture that we have been memorizing and tried to encourage him that we shouldn’t worry about these things until we know for sure.

Do you know what he said?
“Mom, if we have to get rid of them, let’s just make sure they go to a good home.”

He knows why we’re here. He is ready to make a sacrifice for the work that God has told us to do. Would it be painful and hard? Absolutely. But he’s ready. He’s already sacrificed. He’s given up his home and his friends. But he’s ready to do what he needs to do. After all God sacrificed for us. Why wouldn’t we do the same.

My son is amazing! I see a miracle in him every day. 

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